All on-line entries must be completed before event deadline date listed on website.
Entries are accepted on a first-come first-serve basis. There will be a $10 late fee per act entered after the deadline date.
No entry will be processed to compete without full payment.
Addiction Dance Competition will only accept Visa, Master Card, Studio checks, money orders or cashier checks. Personal checks will not be honored. All returned checks are subject to a $30 service fee.
ADC reserves the right to cancel or move the competition location due to unforeseen circumstances.
There will be NO refunds after your registration has been submitted and studio invoice has been paid.
General Admission to any ADC event is FREE!
Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the first scheduled performance of each day.
No food or drinks are allowed inside the competition performance area.
ADC expects everyone to display good sportsmanship. Failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification.
ADC is not responsible for lost or stolen items
Super Mini 5 & Under
Mini 6-8
Junior 9-10
Tween 11-12
Teen 13-15
Senior 16-19
Adult 20 & Older
Teacher- Teacher
Solo- 1 Performer
Duet/Trio- 2-3 Performers
Small Group 4-9 Performers
Large Group 10-19 Performers
Line 20-39 Performers
Addiction Line 40+ Performers
Production 15+ Performers (Theme/Storyline)
ADDICTION LINE- Performance must utilize at least 40 dancers incorporating any style of dance or combination of dance styles. This category is not divided by age and is designated for performances that include all levels of dancers. ADDICTION Line performances should not portray a theme or storyline and have a 5:00 minute time limit. All ADDICTION Line performances will compete against each other and will be presented with Overall High Point awards and Cash Prizes.
PRODUCTION- Performance must utilize at least 15 dancers incorporating any style of dance that portrays a theme or storyline throughout. Props are encouraged. Production performances have an 6:00 minute time limit for performance and given a maximum of 5:00 minutes total for set-up and removal of props.
Solo 2:45
Duet/Trio 3:00
Small Group 3:00
Large Group 4:00
Line 5:00
Addiction Line 5:00
Production 6:00
NOVICE- Dancers with 1-2 years of competition experience and 5 or less routines.
*If a dancer is registered for 6 or more routines dancer must compete in intermediate or advanced level.
INTERMEDIATE- Dancers with 3-5 years of competition experience.
ADVANCED- Dancers with 6 or more years of competition experience.
ADAPTIVE- Designed specifically for individuals with special needs
Mixed level groups are only allowed to compete one level lower than the highest level dancer. (Ex: A routine that has one Advanced level dancer can only compete in the Intermediate or Advanced level.)
Level Change - At ADC we trust that dancers will be placed in the appropriate level based on years of experience competing. We understand, however, that occasionally level changes need to be made day-of-event to ensure a fair competition experience.
Our process is as follows:
● The dance must first be flagged by 2 out of 3 judges.
● The tabulator will check scores.
● The dance must score 2.5 points or more higher than the next highest score in its current
category AND must place top 10 in the bracket of the next category it’s bumped into.
BALLET - Performance should contain ballet technique incorporating formal classical movements.
POINTE - Performance must consist of pointe technique. This category is not permitted in the NOVICE LEVEL.
JAZZ - Performance must consist of jazz technique.
TAP - Performance consisting primarily of tap technique.
LYRICAL - Performance consisting of dynamic emotion and expressive movements to compliment the lyrics demonstrated with fluidity, balance, extension and control.
MODERN - Performance consisting of interpretive movements using modern technique focusing on the ‘center’ of the body, coordination between breathing and movement and a dancer’s relationship with the floor.
CONTEMPORARY – A performance that combines modern dance and classical ballet elements.
FOLK/ETHNIC – Performances with tradition and strong cultural roots.
ACRO/GYMNASTICS- Performance using controlled movements and flexibility, walkovers, aerials, backhand springs, etc. Must incorporate dance technique.
POM-PON- Performance using pom-pons with incorporation of precise and definite movements.
MUSICAL THEATRE- Performance featuring any style of dance from a Broadway, Movie or Television Show.
HIP HOP- Performance demonstrating hip-hop and/or funk choreography.
OPEN- Performance demonstrating any dance style or combination of dance styles.
CLOGGING– Performance using clogging technique.
Dancers must perform in their scheduled order unless permission is given for costume changes. Points will be deducted from acts that do not comply. The only exception to this rule is if the ADDICTION office administration has prior notification or the Competition Director has pre-approved the delay. Special stage or house lighting will not be provided for any performance. At no time are teachers, parents or dancers allowed to practice or rehearse on stage.
No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, glitter, etc. may be used that would physically alter the surface of the marley floor provided by Addiction. If the stage is altered from its original state during an act, please be ready to clean up immediately following the performance. There will be a one-point deduction for prop removal that exceeds one minute.
Production performances are given a maximum of 5:00 minutes total for set-up and removal of props, exceptions can be made on a case by case basis. When sliding props or moving scenery, please be careful not to damage the marley dance floor. If marley floor is damaged beyond repair, the studio owner/director will be responsible for replacing it.
Fire, swords, knives, weapons and use of live animals are prohibited. If the weight of a prop exceeds the maximum weight limit for a built stage, or the Competition Director feels the weight of the prop is a safety hazard, the dancers will not be allowed to use the prop. Props must be loaded in and out of the venue on the same day they will be used. Addiction will not be responsible for props left overnight or unattended. All props backstage should be labeled with the studio name for identification purposes.
The FINAL COUNTDOWN is a live audition experience on stage! All participating dancers will be assigned an audition number. One ADC choreographer will teach a short jazz or contemporary combination to the group of auditioning dancers. The judges will begin the elimination process until we are left with the top 5 dancers on stage. The dancers are divided into two age brackets for the FINAL COUNTDOWN; 12 & younger, 13 & older. Dancers must enter based on age the day of competition. Audition numbers can be purchased at the registration table. Top 3 Final Countdown winners will receive an item from the ADC merchandise store. Final countdown winner will receive CASH prize!
All Regional Platinum, Diamond and Double Diamond winners are eligible to participate in Nationals. Each routine will receive a score from a panel of 3 National ADC judges.
Adjudicated awards are presented to every routine. (National High Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Double Diamond. Flawless Diamond) Routines must perform in scheduled order. If a studio does not comply points may be deducted from routine.
At Nationals the top 5 scoring Small Groups (all age groups) and the top 5 scoring Large Groups/Lines (all age groups) in the Novice, Intermediate, Advanced levels will be invited to participate in the ADC National Showcase. These top scoring dances will re-compete for National Grand Champion in each level and group division. Only one group per studio can qualify in each Grand Champion division.
Grand Champion Divisions:
Novice 12 & Under Solos
Intermediate 12 & Under Solos
Advanced 12 & Under Solos
Intermediate 13 & Older Solos
Advanced 13 & Older Solos
Novice 12 & Under Duo/Trios
Intermediate 12 & Under Duo/Trio
Advanced 12 & Under Duo/Trio
Novice 13 & Older Duo/Trio
Intermediate 13 & Older Duo/Trio
Advanced 13 & Older Duo/Trio
Novice Small Group
Intermediate Small Group
Advanced Small Group
Novice Large Group/Line/Production
Intermediate Large Group/Line/Production
Advanced Large Group/Line/Production
Grand Champion winners will receive a banner and National Grand Champion trophy.
Choreographer of the Year- We will award one Choreographer of the Year award at the ADC National Showcase. The Choreographer of the year award is selected by the 3 national judges. All 3 judges must vote on their favorite choreographer from the entire National event.
Studio of the Year- Studio of the Year is awarded to one studio with the highest average scores in each level.